Friday 23 November 2012

Packing for a weekend in Sheffield.

The first two photos are quite irrelevant to this post, but I thought I'd include them anyway. The noticed the rainbow colours on my wardrobe today and also on a picture I've been drawing. The drawing isn't very good though. It is just the outline with no shading or colour yet. However, it does need rework, as the hands are so badly out of proportion, but I cannot find a rubber anywhere in my house. It'll just have to wait!

Tomorrow, I am going to Sheffield to visit my friend Eve. She moved there in September for University. Even though I'm only going for the weekend, I've ended up packing all my stuff into a suitcase! It is actually completely full which I was shocked about, I didn't think I was taking that much.. to be honest, I still don't!
You can see what I've packed on my check list, but I'm sure I'll find some extra bits and pieces to quickly chuck in, last minute!
I'm hoping to get some nice photos, as my other two friends are coming too. So my next post may possibly include some photos from my little weekend away!

Thursday 22 November 2012

Envious of Anna April.

I often spend my time searching random but what I'd class as interesting topics on YouTube and today was one of them days, where I was searching Dreadlocks!
I came across this YouTube video by a girl called Anna April, and honest to god she has some of the most beautiful dreads ever.
I have naturally curly hair and it is a lot curlier than anyone elses who I know. I wouldn't say that it was thick curls though, I would just say that I have a lot of them. Whereas Anna April is from Denmark so she has very Scandinavian hair.. the total opposite to mine, sadly!
My hair can sometimes be very hard to maintain and I'm often having to try new things with it. It can be very difficult to control in the winter and I always feel as though I constantly have to have my hood up when I'm outside, whether it is raining or not. Also, I have to sort of plan when I am next going to wash my hair, so that I know that I have enough time to get it into some sort of order before going anywhere. So the thought of having dreads excites me as you need not do much to them. I know that they aren't best left to do their own thing; they do need a little bit of help, but probably not half as much as my hair needs now!
The only problem is that I worry that if I got them, they wouldn't suit me or go properly and I'd be left with very damaged hair. Because something else that I find that comes with curly hair, is brittleness and dryness. I'm constantly having to keep my hair soft by applying olive oil leave in conditioners and serums sometimes. I cannot dry my hair on the hair dryer and straighteners are used once every blue moon. So I would be worried that if I didn't like my dreads, unpicking them would leave my hair in a lot worse condition than it previously was.
I guess I'll just keep dreaming, until I come to the final decision of whether to ever get them or not..

Click the links below for her pages.
These pictures are from her Facebook.
Her Blogspot Account
Her Facebook Account
Her YouTube Account

I own, but never worn.



These are just 5 items that I have in my wardrobe which I have never worn. All of them I really love, but just have never got round to wearing them - since being bought.

The Follow The Footsteps T-shirt was bought at the charity shop Scope for about £2.50. I bought it as I just loved the design on the front. I think it is a really fun loving top, which would look great with anything really. However, I just haven't found that 'anything' to wear it with.

The Flamingo Dress from Primark was about £8. I bought it during the summer as another summer dress. However, the buttons started falling off it and had to be replaced with new ones by my Mum. By the time she had replaced them though, it was Winter. I don't really think Winter and Flamingos go well together, so I still haven't worn it. I'm hoping to wear it next Summer though!

The Sparkly Copper Coloured Sheer Shirt was actually bought again, at Scope for around £3.00. I love the sparkle of it and I think it would look good buttoned up or just left open, with something underneath. I think it'd look great with anything dark coloured, Maybe for a night out or a party? I just haven't been on any nights out or parties, to actually try wearing it.

The Floral Print Shirt was bought from Internacionale, somewhere where I have only been twice. I thought the print of this shirt was really cute and that it'd look lovely with a black skirt or jeans. However, I haven't worn it because every time I see it in my wardrobe, I am put off by the tying bit at the bottom. Even though I could tuck it into a skirt, it has been left in my wardrobe, still with the tag on.

The Floral Print Shorts where bought back in May time, around my 18th Birthday. I really wanted to wear them for the night I went out with my friends, but sadly it wasn't warm enough. I defiantly think that these shorts are one of the prettiest items of clothing I own! But again, they still have their tag on and are only suitable for Summer or Spring. I also cannot find a suitable top to wear with them.. sob!

If anyone has any ideas of what I can wear my shorts with, let me know!
Do you own clothes that you've never worn before, or is it just me?
Would you get rid of these clothes if you was me? Or hold onto them for just in case..

Tuesday 20 November 2012

Neon Yellow Jumper.

Neon Yellow Jumper from H&M. Priced at £12.99
I finally received my neon jumper from H&M.
I bought this jumper because I saw a girl at Leeds Festival in a similar one.
I enjoy wearing bright colours, but when I actually bought this I was shocked that I'd gone for such a bright colour!
So far I've worn this jumper twice. Once for lunch and shopping with family and another time for college. With this jumper been so fluorescent  I have received a fair amount of funny looks and a few whispers about it. However, I aren't going to let that stop me and I have decided that this jumper is one of my favourite items of clothing.
It is a little thinner than I expected, however I wouldn't class that as a disadvantage. It just means that I have more of a reason to go out and find a nice shirt or Peter Pan collared dress, to go with it.
After watching a video of Leomie Andersons on her blog Cracked China Cup, I have been inspired to go out and buy a school shirt to put underneath it. I simply cannot find a cheap and good looking shirt, so thanks to Leomie I'm now heading to the school uniform retailers!

Impulse Buying.

After college I went shopping with two friends from college. I wasn't planning on buying anything, maybe a few t-shirt and such.. but I ended up coming home with these three items.

Floral Print Double Layer Dress from Select. Priced at £16
£13.60 with Student Discount.
I aren't one to usually shop in Select, but I went in with my friend and this dress really caught my eye. The photo doesn't really do it any justice, however it has a really great cut to it. What else I like about it is that it is suitable for all year round.
If I was to wear it in summer, I probably wouldn't wear tights with it, maybe not even a jacket. But today I wore it with thick black tights, my coat and some light pumps and felt great.

Patterned Trousers from Topshop. Previously priced at £40 however, in the sale for £25
£22.50 with Student Discount.
I have wanted a pair of trousers like these for ages, but just never really got round to looking for some. However, browsing through the Topshop Sale I found these. I was so drawn to the pattern of them, that I just had to buy them! The only problem with them is that they are a bit too big for me, however my Mum said she could possibly alter them for me.
They are a size 10 and high waisted. They fit really well in the length, just not around my waist.

Floral Print Trousers from Topshop. Previously priced at £36, however in the sale for £15
£13.50 with Student Discount.

I noticed these ones before the others but decided to buy both. These ones are a size 6 and fit perfectly. I think the fact that I found a pair which fit perfectly out does the pattern. I do like the pattern, but I prefer the pattern of the previous ones.
These ones are a different material to the others and that I think I prefer to. These ones are a lot more lighter and easy to move about it. It sort of feels like I'm wearing some stylish pyjarmas!

I'm going to an interview in London for some work experience at a Model Agency, so I'm hoping to wear one or the other pair of trousers. I'm not sure what I'm going to wear them with yet, but I'm sure I'll rustle something up and write about it.