Friday 23 November 2012

Packing for a weekend in Sheffield.

The first two photos are quite irrelevant to this post, but I thought I'd include them anyway. The noticed the rainbow colours on my wardrobe today and also on a picture I've been drawing. The drawing isn't very good though. It is just the outline with no shading or colour yet. However, it does need rework, as the hands are so badly out of proportion, but I cannot find a rubber anywhere in my house. It'll just have to wait!

Tomorrow, I am going to Sheffield to visit my friend Eve. She moved there in September for University. Even though I'm only going for the weekend, I've ended up packing all my stuff into a suitcase! It is actually completely full which I was shocked about, I didn't think I was taking that much.. to be honest, I still don't!
You can see what I've packed on my check list, but I'm sure I'll find some extra bits and pieces to quickly chuck in, last minute!
I'm hoping to get some nice photos, as my other two friends are coming too. So my next post may possibly include some photos from my little weekend away!

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