Tuesday 20 November 2012

Neon Yellow Jumper.

Neon Yellow Jumper from H&M. Priced at £12.99
I finally received my neon jumper from H&M.
I bought this jumper because I saw a girl at Leeds Festival in a similar one.
I enjoy wearing bright colours, but when I actually bought this I was shocked that I'd gone for such a bright colour!
So far I've worn this jumper twice. Once for lunch and shopping with family and another time for college. With this jumper been so fluorescent  I have received a fair amount of funny looks and a few whispers about it. However, I aren't going to let that stop me and I have decided that this jumper is one of my favourite items of clothing.
It is a little thinner than I expected, however I wouldn't class that as a disadvantage. It just means that I have more of a reason to go out and find a nice shirt or Peter Pan collared dress, to go with it.
After watching a video of Leomie Andersons on her blog Cracked China Cup, I have been inspired to go out and buy a school shirt to put underneath it. I simply cannot find a cheap and good looking shirt, so thanks to Leomie I'm now heading to the school uniform retailers!


  1. I think your sweater's cool! And I like it paired with the black tights :)

  2. Thankyou! I really appreciate the comment. Black tights are always a winner, but I think next time I'm going to try it with Black Topshop Jeans :-)
